There are many options for you here at Middle Cross Church. From 0 - 100 years of age, we have an opportunity for you to get plugged in!
Children from birth to age three make up the nursery at Middle Cross. Parents can leave their children with our trained nursery workers and staff during Bible studies, worship services, and special services.
While in our nursery, your child will not be simply cared for. He/she will be loved and taught the Word of God and about the Love of God. Our children love coming to church and spending time with Mrs. Amy and Mrs. Ruth Ann.
Children's Ministry (Kindergarten - 5th grade)
The children's ministry at Middle Cross is special. Whether your child loves to sing or play with friends, each child is given many opportunities to grow in their relationship with Christ at MCC. Jonathan Hubbert, our children's ministry intern, has been working in children's ministry for the last 2 years.
Children at Middle Cross can be involved in Sunday School, mission friends (Wednesday), and RAs and GAs (Wednesday).
Our mission programs (Girls in Action and Royal Ambassadors) draw our students from all over North Georgia and Chattanooga every Wednesday night. Some of the things that are involved each week are:
* Fun games
* Missions studies
* Great music
* Singing and worship
* Inspirational teaching
* One-on-one discipleship training
For more information on any of these activities, please contact Jonathan at
Student Ministry
(Middle School and High School Students)
Ministry to students is vital at MCC and middle school and high school students are a great part of our ministry. At 9:30 am every Sunday morning there is a class made specifically for you. So you will be with friends that are experiencing the same struggles and triumphs that you are! Our youth also meet on Wednesday nights at 7638 Nashville Street, Ringgold, GA 30736. They meet at 6:00pm for pizza and some hang time before a Bible study at 6:30pm. We'd love for you to check us out Wednesday night for games, prizes, and fun!
Our middle and high school students are given many opportunities throughout the year to enjoy themselves on trips and outings to a wide variety of places.
Along with fun and fellowship, our students are committed to missions and evangelism. Each summer our students travel to a different state and take part in World Changers. While there, they help with construction or repair on a home and share the love of Jesus Christ with the homeowner and neighbors.
Discipleship is another key part in our Student Ministry program. Both Sunday mornings and on Wednesday nights, our students are involved in Bible study. It is here that a foundation is laid that will help them through the tough years of middle school, high school and beyond.
Come just once to check it out and you won't want to leave. Make sure you invite all your friends to come with you and see the fun that's going on at MCC. For more information, please contact Pastor Ben at
College & Career Group
The city of Chattanooga has an abundance of colleges and universities. Students from all over the country and world come to Chattanooga and call it home for four years. Middle Cross Church has a mission to reach these students for Jesus Christ.
We are determined to offer these students and young adults a community of faith where they can become the mature Christian adults that God desires for all of them. Each week young adults in the career field and in college gather at MCC on Sunday mornings at 9:30 am. These groups take part in Bible studies, fellowship activities, and mission projects.
If you would like to become a part of this ministry, please contact us at
Worship Ministry
Each week during our morning worship service, you will find our Worship Leader, Michael Itson, and the Middle Cross Praise Team leading the congregation in a combination of hymns, praise choruses, and worship songs. The Praise Team, musicians, and our Worship Pastor continually work in unity to draw the Spring Creek family into the presence of the Lord.
Praise Teams:
Our praise teams come from our Worship Choir and bring an added dimension to our worship service. The teams rotate and sing every 3 weeks. If you want to participate on a praise team, please email
Special Music:
MCC wants to give people an opportunity to use the gifts that God has given them. If you are gifted in singing and want to use your God-given talent in a service, please contact us at
Worship Choir:
MCC's Worship Choir helps lead the church in the Sunday morning worship service. If you are interested in singing with us, then all you need to do is show up at a rehearsal. No audition is necessary to join. The choir sings in the 11:00 AM services on most Sundays. The choir leaves the loft usually 20 minutes into the service, allowing you to find a seat in the sanctuary. The choir rehearses on Sunday mornings at 9:00 am in the sanctuary before heading off to Sunday School.
Worship Band:
Our Worship Band is a group of musicians who desire to worship God through music. If you play an instrument and want to serve God through music, please reach out to us at
Worship in Motion (WiM):
Periodically, our Worship in Motion (WiM) dancers will perform to praise songs to enhance the worship experience at Middle Cross. Typically, these performances occur duing holidays or special events. When a performance is scheduled, rehearsals are typicaly held on Friday evenings at 6pm. If you are interested to learn more about WiM, please contact Donna Day at
Deacon Chairman, Jimmy Voiles
Deacon Ministry
The word "deacon" comes from the Greek word diakonos, which means "servant” or “slave.” The ordained deacons at Middle Cross Church are just that: wonderful Godly men who have been called upon to serve not only the members of the church, but the community and the world, just as Christ has served them.
On the second Monday of every quarter our deacons meet at the church for a time of prayer and ministry. If you have a need that our church may be able to help you with, please contact the deacons of our church. Just as Christ did not come to be served, but to serve - our deacons are here to serve you!
A vital church ministry exists at Middle Cross Church. Men in our church who have not been ordained as deacons and who desire to serve the Lord are part of our Yokefellows Ministry.
Yokefellow means "fastened together". Two individuals working together for a common goal (accomplishing the deacon ministry). No one person has all the temperament and skills to do every job. A team makes strengths productive and weaknesses irrelevant. Each of us is to be a "yokefellow" with Jesus Christ.
Matthew 11:29, "Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls."
Paul, in Philippians 4:3, referred to one of his fellow workers as a yokefellow: "Yes, and I ask you, true yokefellow, help these women who labored together with me in the gospel, with Clement also, and the rest of my fellow workers, whose names are in the book of life." (Also translated as 'companion' and 'partner').
The concept of being teamed with another person is a common teaching in the scripture: Jesus sent out the disciples "two by two" (Mark 6:7). Also, Paul and Barnabas, Paul and Silas, Barnabas and Mark, etc. Like the deacon, a yokefellow is a servant to Jesus Christ and to the church to which he belongs.
Any male member of the church may be selected as a Yokefellow by either A) a recommendation of the church or B) by submitting their name for consideration. All Yokefellows, regardless of how their name(s) were submitted must be approved by the congregation. The nomination(s) should come from the Deacons.
A yokefellow differs from a deacon in that he is not ordained; he may not meet all the scriptural qualifications of a deacon or may not feel called to that ministry. Some yokefellows may go on to become deacons, but some will not. Being a yokefellow strengthens the impact of the deacon ministry and widens the circle of friendship and ministry in our church among Christian men.
The Yokefellow Ministry is comprised of a group of men who serve alongside and under the nurturing supervision of the active deacon body. Yokefellows help deacons - in partnership with the Pastor and Ministry Staff - accomplish the pastoral ministries of the church.
The service of the Yokefellow is vital to the church and, like the Deacon ministry, provides valuable service to the church, to the pastor(s), and to the community in which he lives.
A yokefellow is a man who.....
- Desires spiritual growth;
- Has an attitude of humility and is teachable;
- Cares deeply about the future of God's Kingdom;
- Shows servant leadership in his life (at work, at home, at school);
- Reflects well on the Savior and our Church
- Minister to all new members by giving them orientation to the church, to Baptist distinctives in faith and practice, and assimilation into the fellowship of the church;
- Lead in ministry actions that reach people evangelistically for Christ and that reclaim inactive church members who may feel hurt, resentment, or apathy. They should be willing and able to share the Gospel message, whether in services or "as they are going;"
- Visit people (members and non-members) in their homes or places of work;
- Minister to church members and others experiencing grief whether from death, divorce, loss of job, significant loss of property, or any other kind of grief-producing loss.
- Serve as Ushers and/or Greeters during the worship service
- Help in the service of the Lord's Supper and be available for Baptismal services
- Volunteer in positions within the leadership structiure of the church i.e. committees/teams, Sunday school teachers, Youth workers, etc.
- Contact members in their homes or places of work; via email, text, or phone calls
- Reach out to those who have visited our church in their homes or places of work; via email, text, or phone calls
- Visit the sick and those who are hospitalized
- Other duties as needed to fulfill the Great Commission and to strengthen the body of believers at SCRBC
Women's Ministry: WMU
The Woman's Missionary Union (WMU) at Middle Cross is an organization which strives to challenge Christian believers to understand and be radically involved in the mission of God. Since its beginning in 1888, WMU has been true to its basic purpose: missions.
Our WMU is not only involved in missions in Chattanooga and the world, but are also involved in ministry throughout our community. If you would like more information about our ministry group, please contact Patti Mallett at
Senior Adult Ministry: Silver Saints
The third Thursday of every month is a special day at Middle Cross. On this day, at 11:00 am, a group of adults called the 'Silver Saints' gather in the Family Life Center for a Bible study and lunch provided by Pastor Carl.
This group is made up mostly of our senior adults but anyone aged 55 and up is invited to attend. We hope you will join us! For more information, contact Pastor Carl. email: