Carl Hubbert, Senior Pastor
Pastor Carl Hubbert grew up in East Tennessee. He graduated in 1986 from Cleveland High School in Cleveland, TN and attended First Baptist Church of Cleveland as a youth. He came to know Jesus as a freshman in High School and became active and involved in the youth ministry of FBCC. By his senior year he diligently sought God’s guidance as to where he should attend college. God responded and led him to Auburn University where Carl graduated with a BS in Business Administration. Upon graduation, he took a job in New Orleans with Russell Stover’s Candies. While New Orleans wasn’t his first choice, God confirmed His call through Acts 18:9-10, “One night the Lord spoke to Paul in a vision: “Do not be afraid; keep on speaking, do not be silent. For I am with you, and no one is going to attack and harm you, because I have many people in this city.” Certain where God wanted him to be, Carl moved to New Orleans and joined First Baptist Church of Kenner, Louisiana. It was through that church, and the godly leadership of Dr. Joe McKeever, that God moved in Carl’s heart and called him to New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. While attending seminary, he met his wife Pam and they were married in 1996. He graduated with a Master of Divinity a year later. Carl has pastored churches in Louisiana, Alabama, and Nebraska and is thrilled to be back “home” in the East Tennessee area. He and his wife have three children, Kaitlyn, Jonathan, and Landon. In addition to preaching and teaching, Pastor Carl enjoys reading, photography, video games, and sports.
Ben Cairns, Youth Pastor
Pastor Ben Cairns has lived in the Chattanooga area since 6th grade. He grew up in a Christian home and his family would go to church whenever the doors were open. So, he came to understand who Jesus was at a young age. While he knew who Jesus was, he did not understand what it meant to surrender your life to Him. After spending way too many years trying to be accepted by his peers and failing miserably, God began to show him who needed to be the center of his life. During the summer of his 10th grade year at a summer camp, he surrendered his life to Christ. From there, his life took a drastic turn. He was no longer concerned about being accepted by others, but helping others see how much God had changed his life; and how He could change theirs! Following his graduation from Grace Academy in 2003, he attended Chattanooga State to take some basic courses and determine where God was leading him. During this time, God confirmed his call to Ministry to Students. He then attended Bryan College to pursue a Youth Ministry degree. This is where he met his wife Jenni. Following his graduation in 2008, Ben began his search for a Ministry position, but no doors opened. In order to support his family, he pursued an additional degree to repair computers. He worked in the IT field for the next 9 years. In 2017, God provided an opportunity to join a Ministry Residency Program with Brentwood Baptist Church in Nashville, Tennessee. Following this year long program, Ben began again to pursue a full time position, while still working in IT full time. In God’s perfect timing, He brought about the conversation with Spring Creek Road Baptist Church. He is thrilled to be a part of the SCRBC Team! He and his wife Jenni have been married since 2011 and have two daughters (ages 7 and 5). Outside of ministry to students, he enjoys listening to podcasts, audiobooks, and playing video games in his spare time.
Michael Itson, Worship Pastor
Kelley McCutcheon, Office Administrator
Kelley grew up in Chattanooga, Tennessee and graduated in 1989 from Tyner High School. She grew up attending church regularly with her family and was saved when she was 13 years old. She worked in retail while attending Chattanooga State Technical Community College studying Small Business Management. She later worked as an office manager for 13 years, until the birth of her daughter in 2007 when she decided to be a stay-at-home mother. Her husband, Brian, is the owner and operator of Mac Pro Sound. He was contracted as part of the renovation of Spring Creek Road Baptist Church’s sanctuary in 2009 and it was this opportunity that led them to begin attending SCRBC. Kelley and Brian joined the church by baptism on February 27, 2011. They were the College and Careers Sunday School class leaders for three years and have remained active at SCRBC serving on the A/V Production Team as well as in the Youth ministry. Kelley has been our social media coordinator for the last two years and is excited about her new role as Office Administrator. Brian, Kelley, and their daughter, Piper, reside in Ringgold, Georgia.
Jonathan Hubbert, Children's Ministry Director
Donna Day, Sunday School Superintendent & Benevolence Coordinator
I was born and raised in Rossville, Georgia. At the age of 10, I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior at church camp. I enjoy being Sunday School Superintendent and helping provide teaching materials for all the SS classes SCRBC offers. Becoming Benevolence Coordinator has been an eye opener for me as to how many people SCRBC provides food for on a daily basis and it has really been a blessing to help serve the community in this capacity. I have been a proud member of SCRBC for 17 years. Spring Creek is truly a church of love, compassion, and friendliness!